Benefits of RFID for Apparel
Manufacturers & Brand Owners

The apparel manufacturing industry perpetually faces challenges in coping with the latest trends and technologies. With a complex global network, brands and key players find it difficult to locate the best-suited technologies to boost their business functions. However, one technology has consistently proven its multifunctionality and ease of use – Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

The apparel industry has been quick to adopt RFID, and understandably so. This technology empowers businesses to automatically detect and track inventory and assets with RFID tags. The process is swift and efficient as RFID tag readers can read tags within a range of 20 meters and even beyond.

As such, RFID is applicable on different fronts - including apparel manufacturing, warehousing, inventory control, distribution, automatic object tracking, supply chain, and logistics. No doubt that some of the leading apparel brands are implementing this technology to explore its influence on business.

How Do RFID Tags Work?

RFID technology can be best defined as a unique identification technique that comprises various elements such as tags, readers, application software, etc.

In the apparel industry, RFID clothing tags or transponders are used. These are small objects that can be embedded on any surface easily. They contain chips that store data specific to that product. The tags contain encodable information about the product, such as batch number, price, manufacturing data, company name, etc.

RFID readers release consistent radio waves to capture product-related data from the close-range tags. When the tag is closer to the RFID tag reader, it is activated, and it releases data from memory. This data is sent to the associated application software for analysis and release.

RFID Applications and Benefits in the Apparel Industry

RFID technologies can improve supply chain management through reduced inventory losses, increased speed and efficiency of processes, and better information accuracy. To that end, some of the major applications of RFID in the apparel industry are:

Counterfeiting Prevention

Counterfeiting is a grave problem in the apparel industry, leading to massive revenue losses every year. All types of garments and even accessories, like luxury bags from established international brands, are duplicated with inferior quality raw materials and sold under the brand name without the authorisation of the original brand owner. As a result, it undermines brands' records and substantially reduces their profit.

Favourably, RFID systems deliver a failsafe method to brand owners to ensure their products reach their destination securely. Both manufacturers and distributors can use RFID tags for their merchandise. Consumers can scan the microchips embedded in RFID tags to ensure the apparel or accessory's authenticity. The chips also empower consumers and manufacturers to monitor the products throughout their supply chain.

Efficient Sample Tracking

Many apparel brands send their product samples or prototypes to individuals or companies, like magazines, influencers, and online publications, for review. However, these prototypes are at an increased risk of loss or counterfeiting.

To ensure product safety, brands should embed microchips for tracking. As a result, they would know where the products are – whether they reached the recipient, are delayed enroute, or just lost. Brands often request their samples back after an event. In that case, they can track the sample movement and check its authenticity upon receipt. Leveraging RFID technology, the apparel industry and brands can reduce sample losses substantially.

Inventory Management

RFID technology is also applicable to apparel labels. As such, it significantly improves inventory management systems. The technology enables businesses to detect, count, track, receive, and re-stock products as and when needed. Furthermore, it lessens their work by allowing them to retain accuracy using scanners.

Apparels containing RFID tags also allow employees to track their location in the warehouse, facilitating a quicker search. Improved inventory control and management enable companies to assess their needs and order accordingly to prevent overstocking or expenditure. This helps them save money and reduce waste.

Better In-Store Shopping Experience

Apparel retailers aim to consistently stand out and increase traffic and sales. With RFID technology, they have their hands on that much-needed edge. Retailers can leverage RFID in many ways to increase customer traffic, in-house sales, and eventual profits. The garments containing microchips give shoppers all the information they need, such as colour, size, etc. Customers can scan the RFID tag using their mobile phone scanner to get all the details.

Retailers can also integrate the latest RFID technology with POS (point-of-sale) for self-checkout service. This fosters a convenient and hassle-free shopping experience that avoids long queues and wait times.

Low Cost of Operations

RFID implementation ensures reduced operational costs. That's because brands do not need a pool of human resources across different production processes. Manufacturers and brand owners have access to the real-time stock level of the industry even without their employees' input.

Indeed, RFID tags ease off the process of monitoring the supply chain, detecting missing products, and uncovering damages.

Raw Material Tracking

Apparel manufacturers can now track their raw materials using RFID technology. For instance, many companies use this technology to monitor the quality of linen for making clothes.

Finished Goods Tracking

Implementing an RFID solution also enables tracking the location of materials and finished products. It further tracks delays to analyse the cause of delays and resolve the issues.

Shipping Accuracy

RFID technology facilitates apparel manufacturers to examine every shipment. It can even identify incorrectly packed boxes to ensure they are repacked before being sent to retailers. As a result, it saves packaging and transport costs.

Customer Satisfaction

Shipping the correct items within a specific time limit boosts customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is the best way to foster healthy and happy customer relationships.


RFID technology contributes to the day-to-day workings of apparel manufacturers and brands at large. It helps furnish an efficient tracking system to efficiently manage the inventory, lower costs, improve in-store experiences